news & campaign updates

news & campaign updates

Site visits to potential sanctuaries

December 2021 - June 2022

Friends of Bunka held discussions with three potential destinations in Europe with satisfactory established facilities, elephant expertise and options for socialisation. Ultimately, we felt Bunka should be moved to his genetic home-range in Southeast Asia as as a gesture of commitment to his species and natural habitat conservation.

Bunka has been offered two credible sanctuary options, available for the Zoo’s consideration

Born Free report

June 2022

Born Free is supporting the Bunka’s campaign. You can read more in Born Free’s report: Elephants in Zoos: A legacy of shame

Contact with the Chairman of Yerevan zoo board

July 2021

Friends of Bunka contacted the Chairman of the Management Board of the Yerevan Zoo, Mr Karen Manvelyan requesting an opportunity to discuss the issues associated Bunka’s solitary captivity.

Mr Manvelyan requested further evidence to support our concerns about Bunka’s condition.

September 2022

Bunka in Armenian news

The campaign for Bunka achieves traction in Armenian ecology and environment news channel and gains press and TV publicity.

All about Elephants show

December 2021

Nikita Dhawan from Youth from Animals talks with Mark Stratton about the campaign to #freeBunka from the Yerevan zoo

A detailed scientific physical, environmental and psychological evaluation of Bunka’s condition is issued to the zoo authorities and interested parties.

The report confirms that despite being a young elephant of 15yrs, Bunka is already displaying physical and psychological damage as a result of the inevitable conditions of captivity that cannot address elephants’ innate needs for space, companionship and a natural environment.

February 2023

Independent assessment published

Independent scientific assessment conducted

November 2022

Friends of Bunka are grateful for the zoo’s cooperation in facilitating an independent scientific evaluation of Bunka’s physical, environmental and psychological condition. The inspection was carried out on site at Yerevan zoo over 2 days by Ingo Schmidinger, International Specialist in Elephant Welfare and Husbandry. Thorough video evidence was also collated to support remote assessment of Bunka’s psychological condition by International Elephant Science Specialists Dr Marion Grarai and Brett Mitchel.

You can watch some of the clips used as part of the assessment

The aim of the campaign is to release Bunka to a suitable sanctuary.

We recognise the significant geopolitical pressures for humans and non-humans alike in the region. We also recognise that Bunka is one of hundreds elephants languishing in zoos and worse around the world. We cannot change the world for all elephants but we can be part of the tide that shifts attitudes one elephant at a time.

It is our hope that a country like Armenia-that has already made tremendous progress in areas such as bear conservation-will lead the way in showing compassion towards their only elephant and be at the vanguard of helping end his misery in zoo captivity.

Letter signed by members of PREN invited the mayor Yerevan to engage with the group and discuss suitable options for Bunka’s future that would be compatible with his biological, psychological and social needs.

There was no response to this letter.

PREN letter to the zoo

September 2021

Friends of Bunka is formed

April 2021